City of Carnation's Legislative Priorities

Reviewing Carnation legislative priorities

Carnation Council Members and City Staff Members visited Olympia last February to discuss our 2023 Legislative Priorities. These include both safety and infrastructure topics, including prioritizing funding of behavioral and mental health services, clarifying recent police reform efforts, and supporting your future community space/emergency operations center/municipal facility. The priorities also include making capacity improvements along the congested State Route 202, 203, and 522 corridors along with funding the state’s Public Works Trust Fund.

While transportation improvements in and around Carnation are very important, other infrastructure improvements, such as trails, sidewalks, and broadband access were also discussed. Access to reliable transit services is something that has been emphasized as well. City officials in the Snoqualmie Valley receives an equitable share of government resources in all areas to give your community equal access to economic development and job creation opportunities. I agree and support all these priorities.

Click on the links below to review these documents: